Join our board

We are seeking dedicated and enthusiastic individuals to apply for a position with our group. Being a member of Chorus York’s board is challenging; it requires commitment, leadership, decision-making, dedication and integrity. We are a dedicated group of people. We thrive on the success of the organization and we have fun along the way.

Ideal board candidates will be dedicated trained professionals with fundraising and/or previous board experience, who possess a strong interest and background in music practices. Professional training in the arts is not required. Candidates must also be community-minded and possess good communication and interpersonal skills. Previous experience in the not-for-profit sector or with other art groups is an asset.

Submit a letter outlining the skills and expertise that would make you a valuable addition to our board.

If you are interested, please contact:

Allen Morrow
Board Chair
Bmorrowon [at] netscape [dot] net

We seek

people who are

  • passionate about choral classical music
  • leaders in their industry
  • well connected in Richmond Hill area
  • out of the box thinker
  • pro active
  • able to focus on solutions
  • open-minded
  • team player
  • committed
  • outgoing
  • effective communicator
  • able to delegate
  • ready to learn

individuals who have

  • network
  • access to money and resources
  • ability to see the big picture
  • skills
    • legal
    • accounting
    • marketing
    • fundraising
    • human resources
    • business
    • management
    • governance


be a strong evangelist for Chorus York

make it happen

donate time & money to support Chorus York: “give it or get out & get it”

support the vision of the group

guide the organization to success

recruit volunteers to build committees

  • marketing
  • development
  • governance
  • finance
  • human resources

Beyond their respective roles, these committees also serve as the entry point for potential and future board members.

Time commitment

Attend regular board meetings.

Serve on standing and/or ad hoc committees.

Attend Chorus York concerts and events.

Provide 9 – 12 hours monthly.

Serve a three-year term, renewable.


Chorus York
31 Ratfon Crescent
Richmond Hill ON L4C 5B6


info [at] chorusyork [dot] ca •